Fuse Service HVAC & Electrical Sacramento

Installation of a Goodman Top Roof Unit

2024-01-05 09:00 Installations & Repairs
We have recently rewired a house built in 1906. The customer liked the work done by our electricians so much that he decided that he would upgrade his HVAC system only with our team! 👍

The customer wanted to get rid of an old gas unit on a roof and replace it with a modern heat pump. What did we have to offer for such a nice customer and just a pleasant person? Of course Goodman, the name speaks for itself! 😊

The task was not easy! The house is a part of very dense buildings and is surrounded by tall trees. Our specialists did a grate work with machinery to remove the old module and put the new one on the roof! The installation was successful.

In any project, the most important factor is the belief in success! Trust Fuse and everything will be fine! ✨